Design Emails and Landing Pages That Speak to Target Audience

Design Emails and Landing Pages That Speak to Target Audience

August 5, 2023   —  Comments

Rida Ali Khan

Rida Ali Khan

Imagine you’ve been assigned to design emails or landing pages that resonate with your business’ audience.

What’s the first thing you should be doing? 

Start panicking? 🫣

Draft a creative brief? ✍️

Buy a huge jar of coffee for the following sleepless nights? ☕

Understand your audience? 🕵️‍♀️

Bingo! ✅

To create emails or landing pages that convert, you must understand the people you’re designing for. Only then you’ll be able to craft something they want to interact with. 

And to assist you in this pursuit, Unlayer offers a customizable email and landing page builder to save countless hours and bag significant ROI. 

So, let’s dig in and discover how Unlayer makes this possible. 

How to Create Customizable Emails and Landing Pages With Unlayer?

Ever bumped into a signboard or ad on social media, and your heart goes, “Omg, that’s exactly what I was looking for!”  

These are the type of emails and landing pages Unlayer enables you to make with its drag-and-drop capabilities. The best part is that you can complete the job with the following five simple steps:

Step 1: Go to Unlayer’s website and click on start designing. 

Step 2: Once signed up, go to the new template and choose web/email. 

Step 3: Drag and drop the features of your choice, such as image, text, video, etc.

Step 3: Click on each feature to enjoy its additional properties. 

Step 4: Once you’ve designed a highly targeted email or landing page, preview it for its responsiveness.

Step 5: Export it through our integrated ESPs such as HubSpot, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, and more. 

Here’s a reference video to help you understand how you can create customizable emails with Unlayer. 

Key Features That Make Unlayer the MVP 

You might be wondering, out of all the email and landing page builders, why should you opt for Unlayer?

Well, the thing is . . . 

GIF saying we’re the best. 

To become the best in the market, Unlayer provides the following features:  


This right here is exactly what you’re looking for. 

You’d be surprised to learn that 71% of customers prefer to receive personalized emails. And using Unlayer, you can add merge tags to personalize your landing pages and emails.

The merge tags will allow you to enter each subscriber's name, location, or age. The choice is yours. But if you really want to up your personalization game, you can tailor each email to your subscriber’s needs, demands, and behavior using our customization features. 


Did you know that around 80% of people delete their email if it does not display on mobile devices? On the other hand, 55% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. 

With so many people using the internet through smartphones, it’s necessary to design responsive emails and landing pages. And Unlayer has got that covered for you. 

With Unlayer, you preview your designed email or landing page and make changes if necessary. 

Team collaboration

If your team is spread across the globe or works remotely, this feature will come as a sigh of relief for you. 

With Unlayer’s team collaboration feature, you can ask your clients and colleagues for reviews and suggestions. The changes will be visible to everyone and can save everyone's time. 

Custom tools 

If you choose to take Unlayer’s embed, you can enjoy additional features such as a custom tool. 

The custom tool feature lets you add your own content block to the editor. This means that you can create any element in its own custom.js file and enjoy it with our existing features. Think in terms of a color picker, product library, map, QR code, etc. Exciting, isn’t it?


Using Unlayer, you can also add a countdown timer to your emails and landing pages. They play a great role in instilling a sense of urgency among readers.

Note: Timer is an add-on feature that can be purchased separately. 


Unlayer helps make your emails and landing pages interactive enough to load quickly. And to do this, Unlayer enables you to embed videos in emails and landing pages.

Note: Video is an add-on feature that can be purchased separately. 

AI features  

AI is the new cool, and now you can enjoy three new AI features in Unlayer. 

With these AI features, all you would need to do is add a relevant keyword, and your interface will display a list of suggestions in front of you. 

Unlayer has introduced the following AI features: 

✅ AI-powered Smart Headings

AI powered smart headings from Unlayer

✅ AI-powered Smart Buttons

AI powered smart buttons from Unlayer

✅ AI-powered Image Generator

AI powered image generator

Custom blocks

The capability to create custom blocks and reuse them whenever you design your emails or landing pages with Unlayer, without spending any extra time or effort, is a godsend! 

Comprehensive documentation

To make things easier for all users, Unlayer comes with comprehensive documentation that includes all the details of Unlayer’s features and functionality. 

Too good to be true? Then hop on, begin your 14-day free trial, and start designing conversion-worthy emails and landing pages with Unlayer. 

5 Actionable Tips to Create Customizable Emails and Landing Pages

Now that we’ve established that creating personalized emails and landing pages with Unlayer is super convenient, let’s discuss some tips to improve the process. 

1. Set a unique goal

Before you start designing, sit back and think, why are you creating the email or landing page? 

For instance, the goal of your email or landing page could be to inform your customers that your brand has introduced an exclusive clothing line for Christmas. In such a case, make sure the design, copy, and CTA make the message clear at first glance. 

2. Insert design elements that sync with the message 

Once you have decided on the goal of your email or landing page, pick and choose a design that communicates it, without anything lost in translation. 

Let’s consider the above-mentioned example again. So, if you plan to promote an exclusive clothing line for Christmas, you can add design elements like a Christmas tree, a Merry snowman, etc.

3. Add well-defined CTAs

Remember, everything on your email and landing page should be straightforward and obvious. Most importantly, the Call To Action

For instance, if you’re offering a promotional discount, mention it. And if you want your visitors/customers to book a demo call, write that clearly on the button too. 

4. Write enticing copy 

The copy of your email and landing page should click the visitor in the first look. For instance, if your user is searching for an analytics tool, the email or landing page must clearly mention how this certain tool can solve their problem and accelerate their business. 

5. Choose colors wisely

In a study conducted to understand consumer behavior, 85% of users said that color alone was the primary reason for purchasing a product. 

Yes, that’s how significant color is. 

Additionally, colors also influence brand recognition and can help a great deal in enticing your audience. 

Here’s how; imagine you’re a clothing brand that wants to send an abandoned cart email, and your brand color is orange. The moment your user receives your email, s/he will instantly recognize your brand among other emails and take a decision accordingly.

We all know how impatient readers are these days, and tricks like this help users make decisions quicker. 

Tips to design high converting emails and landing pages.

FAQs About Designing Emails and Landing Pages

Now that we have discussed how and why you can customize your landing pages and emails with Unlayer, let’s quickly run through the most frequently asked questions people have regarding this. 

  1. How to increase the conversion rates for landing pages? 

To create a high-converting landing page, make sure that you: 

➡️ Focus on one goal per page or highlight one product or service. 

➡️ Mention why your product or service is unique and can add value to your reader's life. 

➡️ Demonstrate what you are offering through design or a playground like Unlayer’s. 

➡️ Add testimonials for positive word of mouth. 

➡️ And most importantly, add a prominent, well-placed, and well-described CTA. 

  1. What are some strategies to optimize landing pages for mobile users? 

To make sure that your mobile visitors convert, you should create responsive designs and ensure that the UX/UI of your email/landing page is easy to use. 

Meaning the users don’t have to pinch or zoom into the screen to use it. And to make sure this happens, you must: 

🏹 Understand mobile behavior. 

🏹 Use basic mobile metrics to understand what devices visitors use, where they land, and what issues they face. 

🏹 Identify exit points (pages that cause a leak in the conversion funnel.)

  1. Top online tools to create awesome landing pages? 

The top 3 tools to create awesome landing pages are: 

  1. Unlayer

  2. HubSpot

  3. ActiveCampaign

Why Choose Unlayer? 

Let’s talk about what makes Unlayer the best email and landing page builder in the market.

Well, Unlayer has marked its spot as the number one because it:

Saves development time of your team

Gone are the days when you had to wait for days or months to create a bomb email or landing page. With Unlayer, you can reduce your time for designing emails and landing pages from days to hours. 

Our clients can vouch for this. 

CTO of, Patrick Hannigan, praising Unlayer. 

Related: How Closed 40% More Leads With Unlayer

Helps you increase your business’ ROI

The number one priority for any business is to invest in ideas and solutions that increase ROI. And that’s exactly what Unlayer offers. 

Compared to all other email builders, Unlayer offers the best ROI. 

Senior product manager of Keap, Rich Sharpe, praising Unlayer. 

Related: How Keap Saved 1 Year's Worth of Development Time with Unlayer

Offers user-friendly editor to create responsive designs

Research says that 81% of email subscribers prefer to view their emails through mobile phones. At the same time, 74% of users will return to a mobile-friendly website. 

Considering the evidence, it is necessary to design emails and landing pages that display and function well on all devices. And Unlayer makes this possible just in a matter of a few clicks. 

Senior product manager of Keap, Rich Sharpe, praising Unlayer. 

Requires no prior coding or designing skills 

If you were planning to hire a designer or developer to get the job done, we’ve something even better for you. 

Unlayer allows you to create emails and landing pages without the required coding or designing skills. This means you can save the cost and time of hiring a designer or developer. 

And the end product will be just as good as any top-notch designer could create. 

TargetBay’s marketing director, Narendar Rajagopalan, praises Unlayer. 

Related: How TargetBay’s Customers Saved 8,000+ Hours Using Unlayer

Makes customization possible for all

You’ll be surprised by the amount of ease and flexibility our tool offers. With Unlayer, you can create emails and landing pages that your recipients can resonate with.  

From choosing brand colors to adding merge tags, Unlayer gives you control over everything. All you need to do is pick a feature of your choice and drag and drop it. 

Here’s what our clients say about how awesome Unlayer is and how it has benefitted them. 

Mobile marketing company’s testimonial for Unlayer. 

Related: How a Mobile Marketing Company Boosted its Sales With Unlayer

Want to leverage our technology after reading all these amazing reviews? Then start your 14-day free trial right away!

Take Away Thoughts

Still skeptical? Well, have a 14-day free trial with Unlayer to witness the ease with which you can design wonders. 

The amazing experience speaks for itself. 

Also, we’d love to hear any questions or feedback you have about how to design customized emails and landing pages. Feel free to comment below.

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