From the Blog

Insights on email design, product development and digital content creation.

How to Make Easy Newsletter Templates for SaaS Users
May 20, 2020

How to Make Easy Newsletter Templates for SaaS Users

Relying solely on a digital footprint to inform, engage, communicate with, and sell to an audience is a lot to ask of a marketing team. But with this post as a guide, you'll be able to create and reuse engaging SaaS newsletters in no time.

Jonathan Powell

7 Email Templates You Need Now
May 8, 2020

7 Email Templates You Need Now

For any business with a digital presence, marketing emails are often like paintings—they have the ability to deliver powerful, engaging, and inspiring messages, but without a clean canvas, a solid frame, and proper lighting, they’ll fall flat in the dark.

Jonathan Powell

7 Tips for Email Newsletters Readers Will Care About
April 1, 2020

7 Tips for Email Newsletters Readers Will Care About

Boring. Salesy. Easy to ignore. What other words come to mind when you think email newsletters? This is your guide to blasting through the noise and designing emails that will actually get opened.

Teodora Pirciu

11 Bad Email Design Mistakes You’re Making
March 20, 2020

11 Bad Email Design Mistakes You’re Making

Chances are you’ve spent countless hours crafting, sending, and reading emails. Are you getting the response you want from them? Here are 11 email design mistakes that might be tripping...

Teodora Pirciu